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Where I Am From


I’m from scarlet nails on a treasure hunt, a tickled X on my back

And from my dad’s hums to U2’s MLK that slant my eyes to a hushed black

I’m from butterfly eye-ball kisses and Eskimo nose rubs

And stained cheeks from lipstick kisses from my Bubs


I’m from embroidered jean overalls and bright red velvet bows

Mostly I’m from nakedness, a preference I have yet to outgrow

I’m from this bed is fit for five and hands warmed in the tuck in my mom’s thigh

With three daughters and developing breasts, our family showers my dad quickly denied


I’m from chip clips and jump rope, our makeshift ropes-course on our backyard swing set

And from Danielle’s knee as leverage and Ali’s push as I climbed my way to the safety net

I’m from modeling shoots and MTV cribs on vacations with the family

I’m from Tia and Tamara and we are family, I got all my sisters with me


I’m from my mom’s verbal instruction with a tampon in her hand as I cringed in disgust

With a new excuse for my teen moodiness, my family’s responses had to adjust

I’m from your bronzer makes you look orange and from your eyeliner is way too black

I’m from tuck in your boobs, they’ll give your dad a heart attack


I’m from Skinder car rides and road trips that end in near fatal nudges and hair yanks

I’m from Deerfield’s fifth grade play, the scratch on my face I have my sister to thank

I’m from driving Pop-Pop’s golf cart and from cruising the stick shift into Bambi the deer

I’m from get back out there, driving is not something you can fear


I’m from tough times do not last, tough people do

As I convulse in the hospital bed, plugs wired to my brain with glue

I’m from their body heat as my closed eyes cross with flashing lights

And from Danielle’s gift, nail clippings, delivered to me for a funny snack late night


I’m from a family of superstition, right, left, blow a kiss, step right foot on the plane

And from three knocks on nearby wood or your scary thoughts you will have to contain

I’m from don’t call this fine, I don’t want fine but only great

I’m from working with parents that always, yes always, causes riot and debate


I’m from sisters on either arm as they hoist my drunken body up two flights of stairs

And from my dad chuckling as my mom cries, Michael, hold her hair!

I’m from we are proud of you for the person who you are

And I’m from in our eyes, you’re always a star

I was tasked with this assignment: to write a poem about where I am from, literally, figuratively, or both.  I'm from New Jersey, but this is where I am really from.

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